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Take Mom Out for Free Ice Cream at Kegel Harley-Davidson


Your mom has done so much for you, now it’s time for you to return the favor by taking mom for some FREE ice cream at Kegel Harley-Davidson. Their crew will be serving up vanilla ice cream with an assortment of topping from 11:30 PM to 1 PM on Saturday, May 8th.

If you want to show your support to struggling moms in our area, throw a hefty tip in the tip jar because they are giving all the dough to MotherHouse Crisis Nursery.
MotherHouse Crisis Nursery is a non-profit organization that provides short-term childcare for families experiencing a crisis or stressful situation. In addition to Crisis Child Care, the program provides parent education classes, parent support groups, individual therapy, crisis counseling, and access to after-care services. Through these combined services, the MotherHouse Crisis Nursery program helps to stabilize families in crisis, preventing abuse and neglect.
Check them out online HERE.
Like them on Facebook HERE.