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Harlem School District Proposes Moving to Remote Learning at the end of November


In November, according to the school district, Harlem School District 122 proposes they will move to full remote learning. The reasoning was because of the rising COVID-19 cases in Winnebago County and with individuals traveling for the upcoming holidays,  according to a letter written by Superintendent Julie Morris to the Harlem Board of Education.

“The goal is to alleviate the spread that may come after families and friends visit from outside of our region or people traveling to enjoy their holidays with friends and family outside of the region,” the letter said.

For all students in the Harlem School District #122, remote learning will start November 30th and end January 15th. This will exclude school breaks. Superintendent Julie Morris broke down the dates in her letter:

The return date for in-person learning gives families enough time to quarantine for two weeks after the New Year’s Day holiday, according to Morris. Staff will have the option of whether they want to work from home or work from the school.

The next meeting is Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. Read the full letter here.